
This was an experiment to try build virtual worlds using custom HTML elements.
Built in Babylon.js with TypeScript.
Has a bug on high refresh rate monitors where the animation plays super fast.
Everything else is frame rate independant except for animation.
I'm not sure if this is a bug in my code or the old version of Babylon.js I'm using.
Also the tree's normals are flipped, so they look inside out, but it's just placeholder art.

	<sv-ground texture='textures/grass.jpg'></sv-ground>
	<sv-sky texture='textures/skybox'></sv-sky>
	<sv-avatar mesh='meshes/dummy.babylon'></sv-avatar>
	<sv-tree mesh='meshes/tree.glb' texture='textures/tree.png' position='-5 0 5' rotation='0 234 0'></sv-tree>
	<sv-tree mesh='meshes/tree.glb' texture='textures/tree.png' position='-5 0 5' rotation='0 980 0'></sv-tree>
	<sv-tree mesh='meshes/tree.glb' texture='textures/tree.png' position='-10 0 -10' rotation='0 45 0'></sv-tree>
	<sv-tree mesh='meshes/tree.glb' texture='textures/tree.png' position='10 0 11' rotation='0 9785 0'></sv-tree>
	<sv-tree mesh='meshes/tree.glb' texture='textures/tree.png' position='20 0 -20' rotation='0 10 0'></sv-tree>
	<sv-tree mesh='meshes/tree.glb' texture='textures/tree.png' position='-15 0 19' rotation='0 64 0'></sv-tree>
	<sv-tree mesh='meshes/tree.glb' texture='textures/tree.png' position='-7 0 9' rotation='0 78 0'></sv-tree>
	<sv-tree mesh='meshes/tree.glb' texture='textures/tree.png' position='-18 0 15' rotation='0 3 0'></sv-tree>
	<sv-npc mesh='meshes/dummy.babylon' position='5 0 5'></sv-npc>
	<sv-building texture='textures/concrete.jpg' position='1 1.5 7'>
		<sv-wall start='0 0 0' end='0 0 0'></sv-wall>
		<sv-wall start='0 0 0' end='0 0 0'></sv-wall>
		<sv-wall start='0 0 0' end='0 0 0'></sv-wall>
		<sv-wall start='0 0 0' end='0 0 0'></sv-wall>